Midweek ministries

Midweek Bible Study

Central Fellowship Group

Usually meeting from 7:30 to 9:00pm on alternate Mondays on site at CRBC (in the Lounge), the group works through a Bible study guide either on a topic or a particular character or book in the Bible. Group members take it in turns to lead (but there’s no pressure to do so!), and the gathering normally closes with a chance to pray for each other and any known issues within CRBC or the wider world. The group generally meets during term time and likes to end each term with a social! If you’d like to know more or join in, contact Anna Mitchell, Bev Caton or Niall Finn.

Zoom Home group

There is a Zoom Home group that meets on the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 7.30pm to 9.00pm The members of the group come from different parts of the city, and find it convenient to meet online without having to leave home!

Different people help to lead our meetings. We focus on reading the Bible together, listening to each other and sharing our thoughts on the passage(s) we are studying. We try to make time for ten minutes or so of prayer at the end of our meetings.

If you are interested, please have a word with the Shepherds about the Zoom details.

Midweek Prayer Meetings

Thursday Morning Prayer Meeting

Meeting from 10:00 to 10:30am in the Lounge every Thursday during term time, a group of between 8 and 16 people meet to pray for anything and everything! We often start with a leader providing a short reflection on a Bible verse or something that helps us consider God’s character and nature, before bringing our praise, thanks and concerns to God in prayer. The group has a special focus on praying for those in need in our fellowship, and the work of BMS World Mission. If you’d like to ask any questions about the group or require further information, please get in touch.

Diane Atkin coordinates the prayer meeting; if you’d like to ask any questions about the group or wanted further information, do let me know, and she’ll get in touch with you.

Online Prayer Meeting

Tuesday night prayer is an online meeting from 7.30pm to 8.10pm via Zoom and runs fortnightly. This is an alternative for those who are at work during the Thursday morning prayer meeting. We take it in turns to pray for the needs of the Church and the prayer requests highlighted on the Church’s weekly newsletter. We also spend some time on the prayer needs and requests of those in attendance.

Olusola McKenzie leads our online prayer meeting; please do let me know if you’d like her to get in touch with you, or if you have any further questions.

Farsi Group

The Farsi group meets on alternate Mondays during term time, from 7:00 to 9:00pm in the upstairs Conference Room. Coffee and/or tea are on offer at the start and end of the meeting. Our aim is to welcome Farsi speakers and provide a space where they can meet to encourage and support each other. We focus on worshipping God together, studying the Bible and praying for each other. Over the past two years, we have looked at various topics, most recently considering worship, Bible study, fellowship and witness as part of the life of the church and of each Christian.

For more information about the meetings speak to Peter or Rita Shepherd.

“Connect” community coffee morning

The “Connect” community coffee morning takes place on Tuesday mornings during term time, from 11am-12:30pm, in the Community Room. If you’re looking for a warm space with tea, coffee, cake and sandwiches, somewhere to meet people and chat, play games or bring small children, then you’ve found it! Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Entry is free, with donations invited to cover the costs of refreshments. Contact Andrew for further information.