Church Membership

Baptist churches form part of a worldwide mainstream Christian grouping. Each church is responsible for its own affairs, under God, but has strong links with other churches through the Baptist Union of Great Britain.

When people come to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour for themselves, most wish to follow his example and to be baptised by immersion in the (heated!) baptismal pool.

Parents bring their babies and young children for a service of dedication, to pray that they will seek to make for themselves the vows and promises made on their behalf when older, and be baptised.

Committed relationships are important. Our faith is expressed and supported in the community of the Church.
We function well as a body by being committed together. Church membership is encouraged once a person has committed themselves as a Christian and chosen to make CRBC their regular place of worship. Membership involves having an input − an investment − in the running of the Church, through prayer, decision making, giving, meetings and encouragement. Members can also serve as a deacon.

Be a member by…

  • Giving priority to Sunday worship
  • Sharing in the work of the Church
  • Developing good habits of personal prayer and Bible study
  • Encouraging love and friendship within the Church
  • Serving God in the wider world
  • Attending members’ meetings
  • Contributing to the financial needs of the Church and other agencies

Members and non-members alike can serve by going on a duty rota: making drinks after a service, being a door steward, handing out service sheets and books, welcoming people as they come to Church, operating the PA system, assisting in the Junior Church, joining the singing group… the possibilities are endless. Just speak to one of the deacons.

Learn more about membership at CRBC by viewing this video made by members of the Church.